Max CVSS 7.8 Min CVSS 2.1 Total Count2
IDCVSSSummaryLast (major) updatePublished
CVE-2020-1745 7.5
A file inclusion vulnerability was found in the AJP connector enabled with a default AJP configuration port of 8009 in Undertow version 2.0.29.Final and before and was fixed in 2.0.30.Final. A remote, unauthenticated attacker could exploit this vulne
16-02-2024 - 13:15 28-04-2020 - 15:15
CVE-2020-9547 6.8
FasterXML jackson-databind 2.x before mishandles the interaction between serialization gadgets and typing, related to com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.transaction.jta.JtaTransactionConfig (aka ibatis-sqlmap).
13-09-2023 - 14:57 02-03-2020 - 04:15
CVE-2020-9548 6.8
FasterXML jackson-databind 2.x before mishandles the interaction between serialization gadgets and typing, related to (aka anteros-core).
13-09-2023 - 14:57 02-03-2020 - 04:15
CVE-2020-8840 7.5
FasterXML jackson-databind 2.0.0 through lacks certain xbean-reflect/JNDI blocking, as demonstrated by org.apache.xbean.propertyeditor.JndiConverter.
08-06-2023 - 17:54 10-02-2020 - 21:56
CVE-2019-10172 5.0
A flaw was found in org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-mapper-asl:1.9.x libraries. XML external entity vulnerabilities similar CVE-2016-3720 also affects codehaus jackson-mapper-asl libraries but in different classes.
12-02-2023 - 23:33 18-11-2019 - 17:15
CVE-2019-0210 5.0
In Apache Thrift 0.9.3 to 0.12.0, a server implemented in Go using TJSONProtocol or TSimpleJSONProtocol may panic when feed with invalid input data.
29-10-2022 - 02:33 29-10-2019 - 19:15
CVE-2020-10688 4.3
A cross-site scripting (XSS) flaw was found in RESTEasy in versions before 3.11.1.Final and before 4.5.3.Final, where it did not properly handle URL encoding when the RESTEASY003870 exception occurs. An attacker could use this flaw to launch a reflec
13-05-2022 - 20:47 27-05-2021 - 19:15
CVE-2020-7226 5.0 in Cryptacular 1.2.3, as used in Apereo CAS and other products, allows attackers to trigger excessive memory allocation during a decode operation, because the nonce array length associated with "new byte" may depend on untrusted
12-05-2022 - 15:00 24-01-2020 - 15:15
CVE-2020-6950 4.3
Directory traversal in Eclipse Mojarra before 2.3.14 allows attackers to read arbitrary files via the loc parameter or con parameter.
12-05-2022 - 14:06 02-06-2021 - 16:15
CVE-2019-0205 7.8
In Apache Thrift all versions up to and including 0.12.0, a server or client may run into an endless loop when feed with specific input data. Because the issue had already been partially fixed in version 0.11.0, depending on the installed version it
18-04-2022 - 15:45 29-10-2019 - 19:15
CVE-2020-10705 5.0
A flaw was discovered in Undertow in versions before Undertow 2.1.1.Final where certain requests to the "Expect: 100-continue" header may cause an out of memory error. This flaw may potentially lead to a denial of service.
22-02-2022 - 10:02 10-06-2020 - 20:15
CVE-2020-10719 6.4
A flaw was found in Undertow in versions before 2.1.1.Final, regarding the processing of invalid HTTP requests with large chunk sizes. This flaw allows an attacker to take advantage of HTTP request smuggling.
21-02-2022 - 04:24 26-05-2020 - 16:15
CVE-2020-1695 5.0
A flaw was found in all resteasy 3.x.x versions prior to 3.12.0.Final and all resteasy 4.x.x versions prior to 4.6.0.Final, where an improper input validation results in returning an illegal header that integrates into the server's response. This fla
01-01-2022 - 17:33 19-05-2020 - 15:15
CVE-2020-9546 6.8
FasterXML jackson-databind 2.x before mishandles the interaction between serialization gadgets and typing, related to (aka shaded hikari-config).
02-12-2021 - 21:22 02-03-2020 - 04:15
CVE-2019-14887 6.4
A flaw was found when an OpenSSL security provider is used with Wildfly, the 'enabled-protocols' value in the Wildfly configuration isn't honored. An attacker could target the traffic sent from Wildfly and downgrade the connection to a weaker version
02-11-2021 - 18:10 16-03-2020 - 15:15
CVE-2019-12423 4.3
Apache CXF ships with a OpenId Connect JWK Keys service, which allows a client to obtain the public keys in JWK format, which can then be used to verify the signature of tokens issued by the service. Typically, the service obtains the public key from
17-06-2021 - 17:24 16-01-2020 - 18:15
CVE-2019-17573 4.3
By default, Apache CXF creates a /services page containing a listing of the available endpoint names and addresses. This webpage is vulnerable to a reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attack, which allows a malicious actor to inject javascript into
17-06-2021 - 17:24 16-01-2020 - 18:15
CVE-2020-1719 5.5
A flaw was found in wildfly. The EJBContext principle is not popped back after invoking another EJB using a different Security Domain. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to data confidentiality and integrity. Versions before wildfly 20.0.0
16-06-2021 - 15:17 07-06-2021 - 17:15
CVE-2020-1729 2.1
A flaw was found in SmallRye's API through version 1.6.1. The API can allow other code running within the application server to potentially obtain the ClassLoader, bypassing any permissions checks that should have been applied. The largest threat fro
08-06-2021 - 15:41 28-05-2021 - 14:15
CVE-2020-1732 4.9
A flaw was found in Soteria before 1.0.1, in a way that multiple requests occurring concurrently causing security identity corruption across concurrent threads when using EE Security with WildFly Elytron which can lead to the possibility of being han
08-05-2020 - 17:28 04-05-2020 - 17:15
CVE-2020-1757 5.5
A flaw was found in all undertow-2.x.x SP1 versions prior to undertow-2.0.30.SP1, all undertow-1.x.x and undertow-2.x.x versions prior to undertow-2.1.0.Final, where the Servlet container causes servletPath to normalize incorrectly by truncating the
30-04-2020 - 15:55 21-04-2020 - 17:15
CVE-2018-14371 5.0
The getLocalePrefix function in in Eclipse Mojarra before 2.3.7 is affected by Directory Traversal via the loc parameter. A remote attacker can download configuration files or Java bytecodes from applications.
17-09-2018 - 13:55 18-07-2018 - 12:29
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